Worth-reading & worth-sharing as well


Friday 28 June 2019

Moral: Union is Strength

A Farmer and His Sons

Once there lived a farmer in a certain village.He had three sons.They used to quarrel among themselves.He often advised them not to quarrel but it was all in vain.This pained him very much. One day he fell ill seriously.He thought that his end was near.He sent for his sons.When they came, he asked them to bring some sticks.He tied them into a bundle.He asked his sons to break the bundle. They tried one by one but failed.The farmer then untied the bundle.He gave them one stick each and asked them to break the sticks.Each one broke his stick quite easily.The farmer advised them that if they remained united like the sticks, no one would be in a position to harm them.The boys learnt a good lesson and began to live peacefully.

Moral:  Union is Strength.
            : United we stand,divided we fall.

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