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Tuesday 2 July 2019

Paragraph Writing


(Teaching of English as a Foreign Language)

Paragraph Writing

A sentence is an orderly arrangement of words carrying a complete sense.A paragraph is a carefully ordered arrangement of sentences built round a central idea or topic.The central idea or topic or theme is stated is the topic sentence,reinforced by other sentences that follow.
In simple words,a paragraph is a short piece of writing that deals with one single idea or one single theme.

In the words of Alexander Bain, "A paragraph is a collection,or series, of sentences with unity of purpose".

The Parts of  a Paragraph:

A readable paragraph may be divided into three pars:
1: The opening sentence.
2: Middle sentence.
3: The ending sentence.

1-The beginning or the opening sentence:

The beginning or opening sentences is the Kernel sentence.It is in this sentence that the writer states the central theme or idea.This is the topic sentence.It is this sentence that arouse the reader interest and compels him to read further.

2-Middle sentences:

Middle sentences are a bunch of sentences which contribute to the exposition of the idea central to the paragraph.These sentences, progressively, bring the idea to maturity.

3-The ending sentence:

The ending sentence satisfies the reader that some thought or some idea or some theme has been stated.It is the final link which validates the sentences going before.This sentence may be something like a summing up of details or personal comment.

Qualities of a Good Paragraph

The following may be designated as the qualities of a good paragraph.

1: Unity

Unity or Unity of thought and sequence is the hallmark of a good paragraph.The sentences in a paragraph should not stand in the air like loose ends:each new sentence should bear a sensible link with the previous sentence.In this way the overall impression will be one thought,one theme.


The second quality of a good paragraph is clarity of thought.This is possible only when all sentences is the paragraph are logically linked with one another.There should be well-ordered rendering of the thought.This is possible only when the writer does not go off the track or the main theme stated is the topic sentence.


The coherence in a paragraph should be arranged according to some pattern so as to give it an air of authenticity.

4-Force and Vigour

The sentences in a paragraph should cany force and vigour in support of the main theme.The writer should focus his attention on the main topic and give it an air of authenticity.


Variety,it said,is the splice of life.In the context of a paragraph variety does not mean different ideas or themes.Here it means variety is presentation of language so as to avoid the paragraph from becoming dull or monotonous.The sentences may vary in length and tone and there should be some touch of humour if possible.


The paragraph should not be lacking in conclusion.All the sentences should deal with the key idea and should lead to logical conclusion.

Note:If any one has any question related to Paragraph writing contact me on contact form and subscribe my blog for education or jobs etc.

TEFL (Teaching of English as a Foreign Language)

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